Campus Directory

Indranil Ghosh
Title: | Director of GSM |
Office: | Graham School of Management |
Phone: | 773-341-5015 |
Email: | |
Department: | Graham School of Management |
Indranil Ghosh, Ph.D. is a professor and director at the Graham School of Management. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas in 2000. He primarily teaches MBA students in the Managerial Economics class, but he also teaches a couple of undergraduate Money and Banking classes. Dr. Ghosh's research interests include Game Theory and Mechanism Design, Analysis and Application of Auction Mechanisms, Economic Education, Voting Theory, Public Economics, and Regional Economic Development.
He is the chair of the Division of Accounting and Finance. He is also a current member of the GSM Executive Committee, as well as the Strategic Planning Committee. He has been the chair of the Assurance of Learning Committee since 2013 and was responsible for overhauling, streamlining and organizing the GSM Assessment process during the 2013-14 Academic year prior to the January 2014 AACSB Initial Accreditation Peer Review Team visit. Currently he is busy, along with the other members of the committee, preparing for the AACSB CIR visit in January 2019.
View Indranil Ghosh's resume.
Ph.D. in Economics
Southern Methodist University
M.A. in Economics
Southern Methodist University
M.A. in Economics
Delhi School of Economics
B.Sc. in Economics, Honors
St. Xavier's College, Calcutta
Selected Publications
Cluster and Super Cluster Formation in Chicago, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 2019, 24.
Referenda and the Provision of a Binary Public Good, Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2018, Vol 8, 668-689.
Applying Mechanism Design Theory to Allocation Problems in Universities, Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2013, Vol 14/2.
Learning by Doing Models to Teach Undergraduate Economics, Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2013, Vol 14/1
Using Media Articles About Company Strategies To Teach Economics To MBA Students, American Journal of Business Education, Feb 2012, Vol 5/2.
Justice, Equity and Sharing the Cost of a Public Project. (With Rajat Deb and Tae Kun Seo), Arguments for a Better World, Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen, Volume 1, Ed. By Kaushik Basu and Ravi Kanbur, Oxford University Press, 2009.
An Empirical Study of Collusion Potential Metrics and their Impact on Online Reverse Auction Success (with Srabana Gupta and Ido Millet), Best practices for Online Procurement Auctions, Ed. By Dr. Diane Parente, IGI Global, 2008.
Competition and the Winners Curse in B2B reverse auctions (with John Fizel, Ido Millet and Diane Parente), Best practices for Online Procurement Auctions, Ed. By Dr. Diane Parente, IGI Global, 2008.
Welfare Asymptotics of the Pivotal Mechanism for Excludable Public Goods (with Rajat Deb and Tae Kun Seo): Mathematical Social Sciences, March 2002, Vol. 43/2 Pages 209-224.
Current Research in Progress
A Comparison of Online versus In-Person Delivery of an MBA level Managerial Economic Class (Revise and Resubmit).
Development and growth of industrial clusters in large cities: Impact and benefit.
Winners Curse in Player Auctions in Indian Premier League (with Alex King).
Research Presentations
International Academic Conference on Business, Maui, January 2019. "Adverse Selection And Moral Hazard In Employment: Comparative Theories And Applications."
International Atlantic Economic Society Conference, London, March 2018. "Development and growth of industrial clusters in large cities: Impact and benefits."
Allied Academies Spring Meeting, New Orleans, April 2017. "A Comparison of Online versus In-Person Delivery of an MBA level Managerial Economics Class."